Debemur Morti (EP)

Debemur Morti (EP)

Дата релізу: 15/06/2021

Лейбл: Debemur Morti Productions

Міні-альбом із двух пісень, випущений як ювілейний, 200-тий реліз лейблу Debemur Morti Productions.
Концептуально пісні торкаються тем шкоди, яку людина наносить навколишньому світу, а також втрати близької людини.


1. Debemur Morti 09:07
2. Embers 08:02

The restless spirit told me once That I should die imprisoned And my confinement began Within the bars of reason And then I let the sorrow in I made the nest for treason I let the people stay within And they destroyed the eden Turned into a stone My heart still beats Confirming the fact that We are death Turned into a stone My heart still beats Frozen to the bone My body bleeds We are death We are rust We are death We are tomb In the midst of a conflict I put myself into a chamber The safe space makes me calm Panopticon brings recharge The restless spirit once told me That I should die imprisoned My confinement began Emotions standstill I no longer exist Turned to a stone My heart still beats And beats The ice has never been broken I curse myself twice These words have never been spoken I reject sane advice The emotional standstill

Grief and sadness Embers Gliff and madness Stress Your flame fades I mourn Your end weaves around the corner My soul is torn Now, I live with the Constant feeling of loss The fear fear of of losing Control is desired no more The fear of fear of losing Myself attends me It is time to learn how to carry this Burden - the absence of fire you kept